Bodmann Lawyers

Bodmann Lawyers

Personal commitment to the interests of the clients, reliable consulting services even in the case of complex issues and economically viable approaches – that’s what Lawyer Michael Bodmann and his team stand for and they can already look back on many years of collaboration. The office focuses its consulting services in the areas of real estate, construction, asset management and estate succession as well as commercial and corporate law and has acknowledged interdisciplinary expertise in all of these areas. Activities extend over all Austrian states. The clients at our office are Austrian and international companies and private individuals. The languages spoken in our office are German, English and Serbo-Croatian.



The experience and expertise of the Bodmann Rechtsanwälte law firm helps you save time, money and personal resources for your undertaking, so that you can concentrate on what is important. The well-coordinated team has a consistently high number of successfully closed cases and satisfied clients in the following four areas of expertise.

The core competency of Bodmann Rechtsänwalte is the area of real estate and construction, in which the law firm advises and represents entrepreneurs and private individuals with a 360° view, which is hard to find in this area. A focal point of the team is comprehensive legal support in real estate and construction projects. Furthermore, the law firm quickly and reliably handles property purchase contracts.

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Not only the creation of assets but their maintenance, safeguarding and transfer, for instance within the family, require economical, personal and last but not least, also legal foresight. Here, Bodmann Rechtsanwälte supports you as a reliable and understanding partner in the contractual asset planning and transfer as well as in questions regarding laws of succession and corporate law.

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Entrepreneurs are confronted with an avalanche of legal provisions. At the same time, the (legal) sense of entitlement of all persons involved is increasing in business life – agreements sealed with a hand shake are more and more difficult to make. Bodmann Rechtsanwälte sees companies through the incorporation (restructuring) process and helps them position their daily business on a legally secure basis.

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Being entitled to something and being awarded this entitlement are not necessarily the same thing. Bodmann Rechtsanwälte assists clients in enforcing claims as well as in defending them against unjustified claims in and out of court. Before any legal dispute, the first step is a reliable assessment of the chances of success and an estimation of the required investments (time, money, personal commitment).

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Contact Details

 Heinrichsgasse 4

1st Floor

A-1010 Vienna

+43 (0) 1 581 1900

+43 (0) 1 581 1900 – 99

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